Family Portal – Website
I worked as UI Designer for the relaunch of the “Family Portal” for the German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) while I was still employed at ]init[ AG. The scope of the project was to create a modern portal with a clean look and a user-friendly interface and copy.
To make sure the site was easy to navigate, we introduced a search function and put it in the center of the home page. We wanted to ensure that users could discover information from multiple paths. We simplified the navigation into categories so the user had a better overview of the services provided. For the client, it was also important for their site to be inclusive of minorities, e.g. patchwork families, queer families and single mothers. We solved this with the use of emotive photography showing a wide variety of families.
Based on findings from user research, we went with a mobile-first approach, and we decided to display only the essential images to provide better mobile performance while maintaining a friendly interface. To further support this goal, I also designed a simple and minimalistic icon set.
UI Design
Icon Design
BITV 2.0
© ]init[ AG